Administer the Course

So, you have thoughtfully completed all the planning and migration tasks and are ready to teach your online course.  As you have learned, online learning requires a good deal of up front thinking, planning, and implenting. The work doesn't stop from this point forward though. You have tasks to complete before the course is taught each time.

Before Each Term

You should:

  • Update content
  • Verify all web links
  • Create discussion forums and chat rooms
  • Post a current syllabus
  • Set up tests
  • Specify open/close dates for any content that will not remain open always
  • Enable CMS navigation and other tools you need
  • Update schedule dates
  • Set up any student groups that are needed
  • Remove any unused tools

During The Term

While the course is in session, administrative functions take the form of assignment consultations, grade appeals, and other "office visit" type of interactions. These functions can replace some of the time spent in student-faculty interactions after/before class and during office hours.

Thinking Ahead

All CMS environments have similar tool sets but may implement them differently, so you'll want to learn how to perform basic functions in the CMS that your institution uses. As you become more experienced in online learning and familiar with your CMS, you will want to explore integrating additional tools and functionality to enhance your course.

An Idea for Your Course

Keep an "idea" file when you learn of new techniques or tools that might be useful for your course. Don't try to implement every new thing every term, but once a year implement one new feature. This gives you the opportunity to keep your course fresh and time to assess the impact on the students and the course learning outcomes.

The next section discusses student roles and groups, that is, student management.